[openal] ALC_SOFT_device_clock proposal

Chris Robinson chris.kcat at gmail.com
Sun Dec 3 19:38:28 EST 2017

This extension's been waiting for a while now, so I've added the last 
two queries I was planning for it and wrote up and extension spec. 
Feedback is welcome! Especially if you have experience with doing 
accurate audio timing and synchronization with other timing sources, if 
there's anything that seems to be missing or can be improved, please let 
me know. You can play around with it and test it out in the latest Git.

As far as OpenAL Soft's implementation goes, the one potential gotcha is 
that the device clock does not have a high update rate. It essentially 
counts the samples that it writes to the backend device, meaning it only 
updates every 20ms or so by default. This guarantees the device clock 
updates in step with sources and other OpenAL processing steps, but it's 
certainly not an alternative to std::chrono::high_resolution_clock or 
even std::chrono::steady_clock or the like. The latency can be updated 
more frequently depending on the backend used (PulseAudio, for instance, 
interpolates and estimates the output latency in between server info 
updates so it's updating constantly), but it still shouldn't be relied 
on for very frequent updates.
-------------- next part --------------



    Chris Robinson


    Chris Robinson (chris.kcat 'at' gmail.com)


    In progress


    This extension is written against the OpenAL 1.1 specification.
    This extension requires AL_SOFT_source_latency.
    This extension interacts with ALC_SOFT_pause_device.


    This extension allows applications to query the timing clock from the
    audio device. This clock lets applications measure the passage of time as
    the audio device sees it, which may be different than how the system clock
    sees it (creating the infamous timer drift).



New Primitive Types

       ALC Type       Description                           GL Type
       =============  ====================================  ========
       ALCint64SOFT   Signed 64-bit 2's-compliment integer  GLint64
       -------------  ------------------------------------  --------
       ALCuint64SOFT  Unsigned 64-bit integer               GLuint64

New Procedures and Functions

    void alcGetInteger64vSOFT(ALCdevice *device, ALCenum pname, ALsizei size,
                              ALCint64SOFT *values);

New Tokens

    Accepted as the <pname> parameter of alcGetInteger64vSOFT:

        ALC_DEVICE_CLOCK_SOFT                    0x1600
        ALC_DEVICE_LATENCY_SOFT                  0x1601
        ALC_DEVICE_CLOCK_LATENCY_SOFT            0x1602

    Accepted as the <param> parameter of alGetSourcei64vSOFT:

        AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET_CLOCK_SOFT              0x1202

    Accepted as the <param> parameter of alGetSourcedvSOFT:

        AL_SEC_OFFSET_CLOCK_SOFT                 0x1203

Additions to Specification

    Querying the Audio Device Clock

    Application can query timing properties of the audio pipeline using the
    new 64-bit Integer query function,

    void alcGetInteger64vSOFT(ALCdevice *device, ALCenum pname, ALsizei size,
                              ALCint64SOFT *values);

    This query function accepts all the same alcGetIntegerv queries, in
    addition to some new ones. Note that the size parameter is the number of
    ALCint64SOFT elements in the provided buffer provided, not the number of

    Table 6-x. 64-bit Integer Query Types.

    Name                                Description
    ----------------------------------  --------------------------------------
    ALC_DEVICE_CLOCK_SOFT               The audio device clock time, expressed
                                        in nanoseconds. NULL is an invalid

    ALC_DEVICE_LATENCY_SOFT             The current audio device latency, in
                                        nanoseconds. This is effectively the
                                        time between OpenAL's processing and
                                        the DAC output. NULL is an invalid

    ALC_DEVICE_CLOCK_LATENCY_SOFT       Expects a destination size of 2, and
                                        provides both the audio device clock
                                        time and latency, both in nanoseconds.
                                        The two values are measured atomically
                                        with respect to one another (i.e. the
                                        latency value was measured at the same
                                        time the device clock value was
                                        retrieved). NULL is an invalid device.

    If the ALC_SOFT_pause_device extension is available, the device clock does
    not increment while the device playback is paused. It is implementation-
    defined whether or not the device clock increments while no contexts are
    allocated. The initial clock time value of an opened device is also
    implementation-defined, except that it must not be negative and should be
    low enough to avoid wrapping during program execution.

    In addition to the above queries, an application can query the offset of a
    source with the device clock using two new source attributes.


    Name                         Signature  Values                Default
    ---------------------------  ---------  --------------------  -------
    AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET_CLOCK_SOFT  i64v       {[0, Any], [0, Any]}  N/A

    Description: the playback position, expressed in fixed-point samples,
    along with the device clock, expressed in nanoseconds. This attribute is

    The first value in the returned vector is the sample offset, which is a
    32.32 fixed-point value. The whole number is stored in the upper 32 bits
    and the fractional component is in the lower 32 bits. The value is similar
    to that returned by AL_SAMPLE_OFFSET, just with more precision.

    The second value is the device clock, in nanoseconds. This updates at the
    same rate as the offset, and both are measured atomically with respect to
    one another.


    Name                      Signature  Values                    Default
    ------------------------  ---------  ------------------------  -------
    AL_SEC_OFFSET_CLOCK_SOFT  dv         {[0.0, Any], [0.0, Any]}  N/A

    Description: the playback position, along with the device clock, both
    expressed in seconds. This attribute is read-only.

    The first value in the returned vector is the offset in seconds. The value
    is similar to that returned by AL_SEC_OFFSET, just with more precision.

    The second value is the device clock, in seconds. This updates at the same
    rate as the offset, and both are measured atomically with respect to one
    another. Be aware that this value may be subtly different from the other
    device clock queries due to the variable precision of floating-point


    An ALC_INVALID_DEVICE error is generated if alcGetInteger64vSOFT is called

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